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December 16, 2023Job Interview Rules That Everyone Needs to Know
For all the media attention surrounding the nation’s ongoing economic uncertainty, there is no denying that America is a job-producing colossus, with hundreds of thousands of new hires each month. That’s a lot of people filling a lot of positions … but only after having survived the dreaded job interview process.
Landing the job you want has been and always will be a competition. You need the professional experience, for sure, and a sharp resume will certainly get your foot in the door but then it’s up to you to ace the interview. In that regard, here are some tips to keep in mind as you prepare to meet a potential employer.
Just the Highlights: Job candidates are guaranteed to be asked some version of “Tell us about yourself” and “Why are you interested in our company?” You might think you can just repeat what’s on your resume, but that would be a mistake. What potential employers want to hear is a concise walk through your career, one that hits all the highlights but doesn’t drag on to the point of boredom. The ability to do this effectively demonstrates your intelligence and professionalism.
Tailor Your Response: Tailoring your questions and answers to the person interviewing you is one of the most important unwritten rules. If the person across the table is a potential co-worker, your answers should reflect your commitment to effective collaboration and being a team player. A manager, by contrast, wants to hear in concrete terms what experience and capabilities you can bring to the organization overall. Differentiating your responses in this way will substantially enhance the image you wish to get across.
Body Language Tells Its Own Story: Another unspoken rule to keep in mind is that a candidate’s body language can speak as loudly as their words. When you enter that office, be aware of how you’re sitting, what you’re doing with your hands and your facial expression. Maintain eye contact and offer facial cues to show you are being an active listener. These are small gestures that can make a big difference.
Do Not Follow-Up: Hearing nothing back after an interview you thought went amazingly well can be frustrating but realize that the silence is usually not personal. Indeed, it’s most likely due to other interviews being conducted or internal bureaucracy. Never, ever nudge a potential employer with a “Just following up!” email; that simply will not speed up the process. The ideal strategy is just to have patience and if you receive no feedback after a reasonable time, move on.
Ask Around: No matter how great the interview makes you feel about a prospective employer, check whenever possible with people who actually work at the firm. Talking with colleagues who have worked with your potential new boss is going to give you a much more accurate portrait of what the management and company culture is truly like.
At Harmony Communities, we feel strongly that each resident has a sense of home. That they come home from work and feel pride in their environment and in their place in the greater community. That families are comfortable raising children in our neighborhoods, and that couples and singles know that they belong to something bigger than their four walls. In other words, we seek to create harmony within each community, making our communities not just passable, but peaceful, safe, functional, and beautiful.