Mobile Home Park

April 13, 2021

Five Ways Residents of Manufactured Housing Communities Can Prepare for Natural Disasters

With the frequency of wildfires intensifying in the U.S. and expected to worsen, the importance of preparing for a natural disaster can't be overstated. This article includes five ways that manufactured housing community residents can guard against the threats from wildfires and other natural disasters.
March 26, 2021

Harmony Communities’ Founder Matthew Davies on 5 Ways Manufactured-Housing Communities Can Reduce Wildfire Threats

Following years of wildfire devastation, many California homeowners are facing a new threat: a lack of affordable and adequate home-insurance coverage. In an article for Rental Housing Journal, Harmony Communities Founder Matthew Davies outlines five ways that owners and operators of manufactured housing communities can help the homeowners in their communities to prepare for natural disasters like wildfires.


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