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September 1, 2020Your retirement years offer the freedom to focus your time on things you enjoy. No longer bound to a clock or calendar, you can fill your days and hours any way you choose! From traveling the world to taking up a new hobby, this article offers eight ideas to help you maximize your retirement years.
1. Find a part-time job.
If you aren’t ready to leave the workforce completely, a part-time option may be right for you. After years of working in a particular industry, retirees can bring a great deal of expertise to companies in their field as consultants. For more great employment options for seniors, check out our blog article on this topic.
2. Get fit.
The benefits of staying active in your senior years are many. Not only does physical fitness prevent disease and help overall immune function, but regular physical activity also boosts memory and improves cognitive function. Look for low impact activities like swimming or tai chi or join a walking group. Increased activity during the day has also been shown to help seniors sleep better at night.
3. Learn something new.
Are you interested in learning to speak a new language or cook a different cuisine? From enrolling in a class (whether online, through a community college, or at a senior center) to reading books and listening to podcasts on topics that interest you, there is no limit to the number of learning resources available!
4. Join (or start) a club.
Clubs are a great way to meet other people who share your interests, and there is no end to the types of clubs available. Whether your interest is books, gardening, quilting, wine, or photography, you’re sure to find other seniors who enjoy the same. Check with your local senior center to see what clubs are available in your area, or think about starting your own.
5. Tackle a DIY project around the house.
Now that you’ll be spending more time in your humble abode, consider starting some projects around the house. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for a space. A vegetable garden gives you a chance to spend some time in nature and you can share the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor with neighbors and friends!
6. Travel the world.
Ask most people what’s on their bucket lists and travel is often top of mind. Whether your goal is to visit every baseball stadium in the United States or see the seven wonders of the world, now – when every day is a vacation day – can be the time to pack your bags and board the plane (or train, automobile, boat, or bus)!
7. Try out a new hobby (or even turn one into a new career).
Whether you enjoy sewing or photography, jewelry-making, or cake-baking, chances are you can find someone who would benefit from your talents! Rent a booth at a craft fair or set up at a farmers market. Get permission to hang posters on the bulletin board at a senior center or community center to advertise your services.
8. Volunteer.
Volunteering not only helps your community, but it also gives you a great sense of purpose as well! Churches, food banks, libraries, museums, and many other charitable organizations are always in need of volunteers. Identify some charitable organizations you’re interested in and check their websites or call them for more information on how to become a volunteer.
No matter how you choose to spend your retirement years, finding time for friends, family and the things you enjoy will help make these some of the best years of your life!
At Harmony Communities, we feel strongly that each resident has a sense of home. That they come home from work and feel pride in their environment and in their place in the greater community. That families are comfortable raising children in our neighborhoods, and that couples and singles know that they belong to something bigger than their four walls. In other words, we seek to create harmony within each community, making our communities not just passable, but peaceful, safe, functional, and beautiful.