October 22, 2019
In light of recent natural disasters, including the deadly fires that ravaged both Northern and Southern California one year ago, the importance of homeowners’ insurance has never been clearer. Read more about the types of homeowners’ insurance coverage, and tips for purchasing homeowners' insurance here.
September 30, 2019
One undeniable obstacle to providing more affordable housing to the residents of California is the pervasive - or perceived - shortage of available land in the state. Here, Harmony Communities' President and Founder, Matthew Davies, talks about the California land shortages, from what caused them, to potential solutions.
September 13, 2019
As a unique blend of vehicle and house, mobile homes involve a complex set of rules when it comes to taxes. This article provides a brief overview of the sales and use tax rules impacting mobile homes in California.
August 27, 2019
The sustainability of tiny house living goes beyond the materials used to construct them: A compressed living space encourages a unique lifestyle focused on consuming - and wasting - less. Here are six ways that tiny house living can help you embrace a cleaner, greener lifestyle.
August 14, 2019
This article shares five ways to increase your mobile home's appeal and its value to prospective buyers.
August 1, 2019
There are options when it comes to financing a tiny home, as explained in the Yahoo Finance article, “How to Get Tiny House Financing.” The first […]